Jonathan Lew
Jonathan is engaged in a ministry called Faculty Bridges, alongside founders Randy and Cheryl Lee, working together to encourage, equip, and counsel Christian professors (primarily at secular colleges and universities in Southern California) as they live out their callings in academia and beyond. Jonathan does that by meeting with professors, praying for them, helping them connect with others in academia, and assisting them in organizing roundtable discussions with faculty colleagues from a diversity of backgrounds and belief systems. In addition, Faculty Bridges sponsors an annual conference for Christian professors and future professors to share their experiences and ideas about how their faith in Christ can inspire and influence their teaching, research, service, and relationships on their campuses.
Jonathan came to know Jesus Christ in a personal way during his undergraduate years at The Claremont Colleges in Southern California, and decided at that time to dedicate his life to following God wherever He might lead. Since then, Jonathan has been involved in various forms of Christian ministry on college and university campuses, at churches, and in urban neighborhoods. Professionally, prior to joining Faculty Bridges, Jonathan worked as an administrator or staff member in higher education institutions, including the University of California at Irvine, The Claremont Colleges, Azusa Pacific University, and Fuller Theological Seminary. Along the way, he pursued and earned advanced degrees at Biola University (M.A. in Intercultural Studies) and Claremont Graduate University (M.A. in Education and Ph.D. in Higher Education). Jonathan brings to his current ministry his formal studies of higher education, his experiences working in academia, his talent for connecting people with each other and with relevant resources, a love for learning and appreciation for the work of scholars and educators, and a pastoral heart for people, wanting to see them grow in their understanding of God, themselves, and the world. Jonathan lives in Orange County, California, with his wife, Audrey, a university faculty member.